Short-term Student Visa (English Language Courses)


Short-term Student Visa (English Language Courses)

If you are looking to study the English language in the UK, you may be eligible for a Short-term study visa.

A Short-term student visa can be obtained by applicants over the age of 16.


The chosen English language course must have a duration of 6 to 11 months at an accredited provider. For courses under 6 months, applicants may be eligible to pursue their studies under the visitor route instead.

The course must be an English language only, meaning it cannot be combined with other subjects.

Applicants will need to provide documents about their course during their visa application. For example, a letter of acceptance from the educational institution outlining the course’s name, duration, and cost will be necessary.

Importantly, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they can support themselves financially throughout their stay in the UK, or that relatives/friends can provide such support.

If the applicant’s age between 16 and 18 years old, parent or guardian consent for their study in the UK will be required.
Restrictions of stay

The Short-term study visa allows beneficiaries to stay in the UK for the duration of their English language course plus an extra 30 days. However, the absolute longest stay that the Short-term visa permits is 11 months.


The Short-term study visa fee £200. Additionally you will need to pay NHS health surcharge.

Visa Limitations

It is important to be aware of this visa’s limitations. Applicants are forbidden from:

1. Enrolling in any other courses.
2. Changing their course whilst in the UK.
3. Carrying out work or any type of business is forbidden. This includes work experience and voluntary work.
4. This visa cannot be extended.
5. Applicants cannot study at a state-funded school.
6. Students cannot bring any family members (dependants) with them on this visa.
7. Students cannot apply for most benefits or the State Pension.